The Last of Us
Part 2

Game Designer, Scripter

This game probably doesn’t need an introduction, but just in case, this is the sequel to The Last of Us, one of the biggest Playstation games to be released.

I was brought on as a Game Designer / Gameplay Scripter and tasked with scripting together various levels, interfacing with AI, scripting combat encounters, setting up gameplay and scripted sequences, and more.


I had to learn Naughty Dog’s own proprietary scripting language and game engine workflow to iterate on several level and encounter ideas. I worked with hundreds of incredibly talented people from all departments, including audio, animation, lighting, VOX, AI, character art, background/foreground art, and accessibility.

Later on I worked heavily on accessibility features throughout the game, including features like High Contrast Mode, Enhanced Listen Mode, and Navigation Assistance. Because of these amazing features, it’s possible for people who normally cannot finish these types of games to play (and finish!) the game using these features. Whatever the discourse surrounding the game is, nobody can take away how proud I am to have helped with these features.